our story

Almost 20 years ago we met working in fast food. Both of us were in high school at the time but we quickly learned working together is something we both enjoy. Whether it was DIY projects at home, yard work, gardening, etc., we enjoyed it more because we were together.

In 2019 the top item on my Christmas wish list was a Bob’s CNC with hopes of making nursery signs. I quickly gave up after learning how complex it was. My husband, Dan, found the challenge thrilling enough to upgrade to a Shapeoko.

Within a year of having a CNC my friend announced her pregnancy. I knew then I had to make her a nursery sign! With a CNC no longer on my radar, I made a design and dug out the scroll saw. It came naturally to me and I knew this was it.

Now that we both have the customs we prefer to do, our time spent together working has been in the garage. There are very few projects that do not require both of us. Whether it is me helping him paint, or him helping me frame. We hope to continue to grow and look forward to many long weekends in the garage. -April